bookmark_borderReconnective Healing – Helping people heal themselves

by Sarah Dickinson Murray

Reconnective Healing®, a registered trademark of Dr. Eric Pearl, designates the use of a certain type or frequency of healing energies to help people heal themselves of disease and dysfunction. In his book, “The Reconnection” he explains how he came to be the vector of these energies, which apparently had not yet been present on Earth up until this time. As a chiropractor, he was accustomed to people feeling better after a treatment, but the healings he began to witness were nothing like what he had experienced before, many of them quasi miraculous occurrences never before seen in modern medicine. Scientific experiments have since validated the presence and effects of these energies, and he has understood that his role has changed from healer to teacher. His mission now is to teach as many people as possible how to use these energies, and become activated just by coming into contact with them, through his seminars and by reading his book. He claims that the simple act of reading it will connect you with these energies, which is something that I found to be absolutely true.

After reading the book, I realized that what I was doing with clients on the table had changed. And it wasn’t that I was applying a new idea or technique in my work – not only the quality of the healings changed, but instead of asking my clients what was going on, I would ask them to lie on the table and then would receive information about their state of health directly from their energy field. At the end of the session, I realized from talking with them that 9 times out of 10 I had been correct in assessing their situation, which led me to understand that I was practicing medical intuition.

This was a very exciting discovery, and I knew that it would affect the way I would practice from then on. I quickly signed up for the next Reconnection seminar coming to my area, waiting impatiently for the chance to meet the man in person, hear what he had to say and experience first hand what I had so avidly read about. When the time came, I had no idea that I would be in a room with 400 other people, all as curious as I was to find out more about these incredible healings. As the seminar unfolded, several healings took place, each of which seemed “miraculous”. Not all of them were done by Eric: I spoke with a woman who had been the patient of another seminar attendee during an exercise, and suddenly began to feel her foot move spontaneously. Victim of a car accident 15 years earlier, her ankle had been permanently immobilized with metal pins, making it impossible for her to bend her foot at the ankle. Getting up from the table, she realized that she had regained mobility in a limb that the doctors had told her she would never move again!

That seminar actually left me with more questions than answers, and it literally transformed, once again, the way I was practicing with my clients. I have often been told that being confused after doing inner work is a good thing, because it indicates that your mental framework has been shaken, opening up the inner space to receive the knowledge of being, as opposed to doing something in order to achieve a goal. I certainly was shaken up after the seminar, not because I didn’t believe that such healings could occur, but because I was basically told that I could no longer practice the way I had been, since other healing modalities, such as Reiki and crystal therapy, would be overshadowed by these new healing energies, and no longer have a raison d’etre. Not that I was particularly invested in any specific technique: my work had evolved over the years, and was not the result of any school of thought or practice besides my own. But I still had to question my practice, put it to the test of Reconnective Healing, to see if I could find compatibility and complementarity between what I already knew and what I had just learned.

What I found out was that yes, there is compatibility. There is even complementarity in that everything I have learned for the past 30 years, from Herbalism and Naturopathy to NLP and Family Constellation work, not to mention massage, meditation, shamanism, Ayurvedic medicine and Traditional Chinese medicine, has a place in how I practice natural medicine. I am not a medical doctor, nor do I practice modern Western medicine in any form; the medicine I practice has its roots in almost every traditional native culture on this planet. This medicine is not about making anyone “better”. It is about helping people to find their center, and to come back into harmony with their essence. Once this is done, the physical aspects will follow.

Although I am not in total agreement with everything I heard at the seminar, I would have to say that the results I have observed following it have been impressive. Not everyone has a spectacular healing, and sometimes the results are not really ascertained until much later. But there have been a few instances of total, instantaneous relief of pain, swelling, trembling and other symptoms, and a general sense of well being afterward. Eric says that healing always happens – not necessarily in the way we expect or want it to happen, but it happens nonetheless. The “healer” is just a conduit for the energies; the real healer is the person being healed, because they are using the energies to heal themselves!

Sarah Dickinson Murray is the founder of Pure Healing Insight LLC
Wilmington, DE 19806

bookmark_borderEnergy Work

Energy work is a form of alternative medicine which relies on the idea that the body is filled with and surrounded by energy fields which can be manipulated. By working with these energy fields, practitioners believe that they can promote harmony and balance for their clients, addressing specific medical conditions in addition to easing emotional distress. Energy work takes a wide variety of forms, and is on offer from practitioners in many areas of the world.

According to energy workers, the health of the human body and mind rely on stability in the energy fields around the body. If the energy is blocked or disturbed, someone may feel a corresponding illness or emotional unease. Energy workers attempt to feel the energy in their clients, and to manipulate it, eliminating blockages, undoing knots, and addressing areas where the energy appears to be flowing counterintuitively.

The Healing Point – Cranio-Sacral Therapy – Montgomery County, PA, Southeastern Pennsylvania

Ame Salon and Spa
– Holistic Wellness, Massage, Reiki, Nutrition – Wayne, Delaware County PA, Main Line PA, Southeastern Pennsylvania, Delaware

Sarah Dickinson Murray – Pure Healing Insight LLC
Naturopathic Practitioner, Master Practitioner of NLP (Neuro-Linguistic Programming), Energy Worker, Reiki, Bach Flower Therapy, Crystal Therapy, Ethnobotanist – Wilmington, Delaware, Southeastern PA

Barbara Brennan Work
Developed by Barbara Brennan, this involves a four year training program. Practitioners work with the energy system through laying on of hands techniques which address spiritual, emotional, and physical issues. Through an in-depth system of training these practitioners utilize channeled guidance as well as counseling support to assist an individual’s process of centering and returning to the self, to assist individuals in their healing process.

Cranio-Sacral Therapy
This technique works with the cerebrospinal fluid which is housed within the cranium, spine and sacrum. The craniosacral rhythm circulated by hydraulic movement can be balanced through the light touch of a therapist.

Polarity Therapy
This therapy is based on the premise that all nature is permeated by energy fields and currents. The flow and balance of this energy in the body is the basis of health. Varying degrees of touch release blocks and restore balance.

Reiki Practitioners are initiated, training is passed down. Practitioners transmit Universal Life Energy, which guides Chi, or life force, by a light touch, or placing hands in specific positions gently on and around the body.

Therapeutic Touch
Therapeutic Touch involves laying on of hands, assessing and unblocking energy, evoking relaxation and the client’s healing potential, as guided through the practitioner’s intention. It is a contemporary interpretation of many ancient healing practices, in which practitioners consciously direct or sensitively modulate human energies to reduce anxiety and stress, reduce pain, and ease problems associated with autonomic nervous system dysfunction. Therapeutic Touch has currently been taught to more than 37,000 nurses, doctors, and health practitioners.