COVID-19 Science Updates

Pollen and Increased SARS-CoV-2 Infection Rates

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America published the study Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe. The research showed that airborne pollen on average accounts for 44% of the variation in infection rates in addition to […]

Tag Archives: COVID-19

Pollen and Increased SARS-CoV-2 Infection Rates

By admin | Published: 2021/03/09 | Edit

The Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America published the study Higher airborne pollen concentrations correlated with increased SARS-CoV-2 infection rates, as evidenced from 31 countries across the globe. The research showed that airborne pollen on average accounts for 44% of the variation in infection rates in addition to […] Posted in Environment, health and wellness, Medicine, Science | Also tagged air pollutin, air quality, compromised immune system, NAD, ozone, particulate pollution, respiratory system | Comments closed | Edit

Post-COVID Can Cause the Body to Attack Itself

In the study Musculoskeletal involvement of COVID-19, imaging showed evidence the body can attack itself. “There have been emerging reports, however, of an array of neuromuscular and rheumatologic complications related to COVID-19 infection and disease course including myositis, neuropathy, arthropathy, and soft tissue abnormalities. Multimodality imaging supports diagnosis and evaluation of musculoskeletal disorders in COVID-19 […]

The Recombination Event: SARS-CoV-2 and COVID-19

When the COVID-19 genome changes, it is called a mutation. When the mutations combine, it is called a variant. When variants combine, it is called a recombination. The general consensus is SARS-CoV-2 originated from a recombination event. An animal variant combines with a human variant and jumps to humans. When a virus jumps form animals […]

COVID Mutation and Variant Threats

COVID variants in the State of Pennsylvania / 2-8-2021 When multiple genetic mutations start showing up in infected individuals, it is called a variant. You asked: In your opinion – Whats our window to get people vaccinated vs the new variant becoming dominant. Please correct me if I’m wrong – South African Variant not working […]